
Thursday, June 03, 2004

In response to Jean`s comments thing on weblog insecurity and future addictions...

Hilarious... the weblog is a great scenario to blow off steam and air your crazy mad thoughts.This course has invigorated me to explore my dysfuntions and dissect more and more... music has a strange effect on me and wish I could tell if this was the same way other people feel... but how do you do that other than communicate... but how to communicate what that is? Sometimes it feels too strange and difficult to explain.

Otherwise my sincere apologies if I seemed a little possessed at the panel discussion earlier this week. I have done a few of these type of things here and there over the years and the first attempt I was disturbed by a bout of dyslexia, arrythmia and cold sweat and sat there in a highly embarrassed and mute state dreadfully shaken... I abhore orchestrated approachs to discussions as I firmly believe spontaneity captures a more distinct essence... I persevered and pushed myself to overcome this... that said it is like some creature now emerges from inside of me and explodes with a heightened sense of liberation. Although I must admit I have fun with the format now... and particularly found this one quite spirited (although I had a rather shaky start and felt rather nervous in front of this group initially).

Best of luck to everyone involved in this class... it is inspiring to find people interested in music on this level... please feel free to email me in the future and ask any questions about the music industry. Although my comments are obviously inflected by my attitudes and opinions it may be of worth still.

Have fun.
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