Monday, May 03, 2004
Further thoughts on Alternative…
After reading one of the weblogs whereby bands like John Butler Trio and Jet as posed as being alternative I realise that the notion of alternative - aside from the confusion generated in the process of marketing - also comes down to audience engagement and how they position themselves to what is alternative. In sense there is a degree of relativity involved... as much as there is in negotiating the use of the term. I would not consider either band as such… maybe JBT as a successful example of independence and certainly utilising the said marketing techniques of affiliation with notions of the alternative… and definitely not Jet whatsoever (I mean just because they play rock n roll - and highly derivative at that - does not justify this)… but then clearly others would. Although the attitude is then taken by this weblog (surely in an ironic sense) that their mainstream success constitutes them as ‘Pop' in the sense of being popular and that less-successful, clearly mainstream, pop artists could in that sense seen to be alternative. Possibly this presents a question on what it means to be alternative, but this appears to be in regard to financial success and fame. I find 'alternative' is more akin to the issue of attitude… and in that sense maybe JBT could be construed as such… but I still fail to see them as such. It is kind of like the presumption of independence being alternative yet overall they may still possess the same motivations of financial success that corporate bodies have (on that note look out for an upcoming doco “The Corporation”, by the people who made Manufacturing Consent). As noted in one of the readings I find I relate to the notion of alternative media “challenging the dominant hegemony”and yet co-existing within this hegemony…
In the regard to alternative media I find it a dismal field to traverse… most music media is so banal and panders to the whims of the advertising dollar of major record labels and the like, that they are generally so reliant on for survival (especially the free street press as they have limited revenue options). I get inspired to read articles and reviews disinterred from the manacles of label (or any corporate) interest… and for that matter sycophantic ramblings… give me intelligent critical press that attempt to provide information anyday. The concept of reviews are an interesting one… in that essentially they are personal opinion yet positioned in the context of a magazine are afforded the weight of authority (pending audience response to that magazine). Then again Fanzines and Zines are another area again that can also have blurred distinctions… alternative and independence that come down to positions and content again… and not to forget the proliferation of web-zine type sites.
I find I have been drawn to a variety of media over the years that deal with a array of culture’s aspects… and touch on music to a variety of degrees.
As noted earlier, the online POP MATTERS is a great place to go. Others include:
ADBUSTERS - Journal of the Mental Environment up to 52nd issue and amazingly has no paid ads - is just straight out Culture Jamming and twists and turns the graphic world to varying degrees of enjoyment and criticism. Recently had a bonus DJ SPOOKY mix CD inside.
EMPTY - brand new Sydney based graphics mag first issue out now. No music but sits out on its own… hope it develops in many directions.
JUXTAPOZ - great low brow art mag but can annoy with it mixture of sexist advertising and old school take on women that evidences the dominant hegomony. Usually has a bag of cool artists though that aren`t… and their CD reviews rate by album art quality.
THE WIRE - great UK based music mag completely ensconced in the avant-garde and experimental music scene.
VICE - free monthly urban culture magazine that posits itself as “the first international youth culture magazine” and “the new voice of our generation.” Irreverent and well produced in a global franchise format… where cutting edge content and graphic interest is undermined by sporadic cheap shocks and savvy brand awareness.
BRAINWASHED - Great online zine-project dedicated to providing information on independent artists and labels… to the point that it states it boycotts any artist signed to major labels.
CYCLIC DEFROST - Sydney based electronic music and graphics fanzine online and in print.
Other mags that tweaked my alternative lights that appeared and disappeared in the past…
21C – amazing great look at future culture around thinking, art, music… just out there.
WORLD ART – another fantastic mag that never was allowed to continue
COLORS – when it was directed by the now dead Tibor Kalman – even though it was a corporate marketing tie-in for Benneton was pushing boundaries.
MONDO2000 – music, art, innovations… edited by R.U. Sirius and way off the edge in the early 90s.
PUNK from mid seventies New York. I have a couple of copies of this great fanzine that was right there for the initial US/UK punk grassroots explosion.
This is by no means a definitive list just personal likenings… there are so many others especially in the online world.
After reading one of the weblogs whereby bands like John Butler Trio and Jet as posed as being alternative I realise that the notion of alternative - aside from the confusion generated in the process of marketing - also comes down to audience engagement and how they position themselves to what is alternative. In sense there is a degree of relativity involved... as much as there is in negotiating the use of the term. I would not consider either band as such… maybe JBT as a successful example of independence and certainly utilising the said marketing techniques of affiliation with notions of the alternative… and definitely not Jet whatsoever (I mean just because they play rock n roll - and highly derivative at that - does not justify this)… but then clearly others would. Although the attitude is then taken by this weblog (surely in an ironic sense) that their mainstream success constitutes them as ‘Pop' in the sense of being popular and that less-successful, clearly mainstream, pop artists could in that sense seen to be alternative. Possibly this presents a question on what it means to be alternative, but this appears to be in regard to financial success and fame. I find 'alternative' is more akin to the issue of attitude… and in that sense maybe JBT could be construed as such… but I still fail to see them as such. It is kind of like the presumption of independence being alternative yet overall they may still possess the same motivations of financial success that corporate bodies have (on that note look out for an upcoming doco “The Corporation”, by the people who made Manufacturing Consent). As noted in one of the readings I find I relate to the notion of alternative media “challenging the dominant hegemony”and yet co-existing within this hegemony…
In the regard to alternative media I find it a dismal field to traverse… most music media is so banal and panders to the whims of the advertising dollar of major record labels and the like, that they are generally so reliant on for survival (especially the free street press as they have limited revenue options). I get inspired to read articles and reviews disinterred from the manacles of label (or any corporate) interest… and for that matter sycophantic ramblings… give me intelligent critical press that attempt to provide information anyday. The concept of reviews are an interesting one… in that essentially they are personal opinion yet positioned in the context of a magazine are afforded the weight of authority (pending audience response to that magazine). Then again Fanzines and Zines are another area again that can also have blurred distinctions… alternative and independence that come down to positions and content again… and not to forget the proliferation of web-zine type sites.
I find I have been drawn to a variety of media over the years that deal with a array of culture’s aspects… and touch on music to a variety of degrees.
As noted earlier, the online POP MATTERS is a great place to go. Others include:
ADBUSTERS - Journal of the Mental Environment up to 52nd issue and amazingly has no paid ads - is just straight out Culture Jamming and twists and turns the graphic world to varying degrees of enjoyment and criticism. Recently had a bonus DJ SPOOKY mix CD inside.
EMPTY - brand new Sydney based graphics mag first issue out now. No music but sits out on its own… hope it develops in many directions.
JUXTAPOZ - great low brow art mag but can annoy with it mixture of sexist advertising and old school take on women that evidences the dominant hegomony. Usually has a bag of cool artists though that aren`t… and their CD reviews rate by album art quality.
THE WIRE - great UK based music mag completely ensconced in the avant-garde and experimental music scene.
VICE - free monthly urban culture magazine that posits itself as “the first international youth culture magazine” and “the new voice of our generation.” Irreverent and well produced in a global franchise format… where cutting edge content and graphic interest is undermined by sporadic cheap shocks and savvy brand awareness.
BRAINWASHED - Great online zine-project dedicated to providing information on independent artists and labels… to the point that it states it boycotts any artist signed to major labels.
CYCLIC DEFROST - Sydney based electronic music and graphics fanzine online and in print.
Other mags that tweaked my alternative lights that appeared and disappeared in the past…
21C – amazing great look at future culture around thinking, art, music… just out there.
WORLD ART – another fantastic mag that never was allowed to continue
COLORS – when it was directed by the now dead Tibor Kalman – even though it was a corporate marketing tie-in for Benneton was pushing boundaries.
MONDO2000 – music, art, innovations… edited by R.U. Sirius and way off the edge in the early 90s.
PUNK from mid seventies New York. I have a couple of copies of this great fanzine that was right there for the initial US/UK punk grassroots explosion.
This is by no means a definitive list just personal likenings… there are so many others especially in the online world.
A friend of mine mentioned 2012 last night to me and it's the first I heard about it so I jumped on here out of curiosity. I think it's kind of sick and sounds like a bunch of skeptical jargon.
I choose to live every day like it is the last because let's be real, WHO THE HELL KNOWS what is going to happen or when it's your time to go on. The past is history, the future is a mystery and now is a gift, thats why it's called the present. It's not healthy to sit around and trip out about when you will die. Stop wasting your time you have now.
]harmonic convergence and 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012
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I choose to live every day like it is the last because let's be real, WHO THE HELL KNOWS what is going to happen or when it's your time to go on. The past is history, the future is a mystery and now is a gift, thats why it's called the present. It's not healthy to sit around and trip out about when you will die. Stop wasting your time you have now.
]harmonic convergence and 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012